Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Branding Yourself

So, I've had a week to think and mull over everything we discussed in our mini Digital Leadership training on April 3rd.  One of my colleagues wrote an elegant blog about the importance of being brave and taking the step to do the hard things that need to be done....such as branding yourself.  

Branding yourself is a daily, ongoing task that never quite ends.  I find that I must constantly be aware of how I am presenting myself to those around me.  If I truly believe that the library is the hub of the school, then what am I doing to reinforce that belief on my campus?  How am I ensuring that I am providing point of need assistance for my patrons on a regular basis?  How am I inspiring others to be creative, innovative learners? 

I think that I have found the secret, the one thing that makes all the difference.  That one thing is passion.  People can tell if you are passionate about your work and what you do.  They can tell if you really believe in what you do.  When you are passionate, people want to listen to what you have to say and want to connect with your vision.  So, when I think about branding myself, I have to go back to my passion for literacy and learning.  

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