Sunday, November 8, 2015

Monsters from the Monstore

Last week, we enjoyed a great story by Tara Lazar called The Monstore.  The students loved all of the colorful monsters and discussing what they predicted would happen when more and more monsters were brought into the picture.  At the conclusion of the story, I posed the questions, "What type of monster would you have in your Monstore?  How would you persuade people to buy your monster?

The best part of the day was tweeting with Tara Lazar about her book.  It was totally not planned, but ending up being such a great experience for the kids.  Here is a little "snipet" of our Twitter conversation. 

The kids were so excited that we were really talking to the author of the book.  Since that activity, the book has not stayed on the shelf.  It is constantly checked out and kids are asking for it on a daily basis.  I'm going to have to add some more copies to my collection! 

Here are some of our awesome Monstore creations.