Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Awesome Start

I have to say that today was a most excellent day. I am reminded all over again why I love this job and why I come back day after day, year after year. It's all about students connecting with books. I love to see the light in their eyes when they find that perfect book. It's even brighter when they find TWO perfect books. If we can capture them and help them become passionate readers at this age, there will be no stopping them as they get older. I always think back to the old saying, "Today a reader, tomorrow a leader." Teach them to love to read today and they will grow up to be amazing leaders.

Extended Library Hours

September Newsletter Part 1

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Connect, Create & Craft

Our school and library theme this year is all about Connecting and Creating.  These are two very important things that must happen in our library on a daily basis.  

CONNECT - Students must be given the opportunity to connect with everyone and everything around them. So many times, the library is viewed as a place where we work in isolation and even in silence.  That is not true.  The library is a place where students can go to work with others, to wonder and to question.  There is technology available that can connect them to the world.  There are books that con connect them to people, places and ideas that they might never encounter otherwise.  Let's make sure that our kids truly connect in the library this year.  

CREATE - The library should also be a creative hub.  Students need the opportunity to explore and imagine.  This year we have added two creation spaces to the library.  These are places where students can work on projects assigned by their teachers or even get really creative and make something new and exciting.  We hope to incorporate legos in the library as well, both physical and virtual.  

This is going to be an awesome year as we allow our students to explore and learn in the library!  

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Looking Better...

This week has been full with getting the library organized and finishing the genre sections.  This year is going to be so exciting!  The kids are going to be excited to see the genre sections and to be able to browse for books that they will enjoy reading.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Motivation: The Overlooked Sixth Component of Reading

Motivation: The Overlooked Sixth Component of Reading

I stumbled upon this article on my facebook feed today and as I read, I couldn't help but physically shake my head, YES! YES! YES!!

Connection, Contribution and Competence

Each of the above are essential in the world of teaching and learning and especially important when it comes to reading and literacy.  The author brings up the point that when children start school, things are all exciting and they are ready to learn.  It is somewhere along the way that they lose that motivation and things become difficult for many students. When it comes to reading and books, it is essential that we remember these 3 C's.

Connection - Students must feel connected to what they are reading. It is important to have frequent conversation with students about what they are interested in and what they might enjoy learning more about.  Matching students with a good fit book is not only about finding a book that they can read but about finding a book that they will immensely enjoy reading as well. It is that intrinsic motivation that will enable your students to soar when it comes to reading.  

Contribution - Students want to be able to talk about what they read and what they are learning.  Giving them outlets to do that is essential.

Competence - Lastly, it is important that students are given opportunities to feel successful.  It might be noticing that a student is blogging about a book or taking notes more effectively than before.  Encourage, encourage, encourage!

As we start this year, let's be sure to keep these things in mind.  I truly believe that if a student claims to not like reading, they just haven't found the right book yet.  It is our job to help students make connections, contributions and build competence.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Right now, I think that I might have more books stacked on tables than on the shelves in the library.  After much discussion with my friends in library land, I have decided that creating genre sections in fiction is the way to go!  To tell the truth, most kids that come in the library looking for a book always ask for a certain genre.  Here's what we hear in the library on a regular basis:
I need a scary book!
Don't you have any good mysteries?
I just want to read something that will make me laugh!

This has been a hot topic in our profession for a while.  This article from School Library Journal gives some insight into reasons why genrefying is beneficial for our students.  At the end of the day, it is all about what helps students to find books that they enjoy.

I will definitely post plenty of pictures of the finished library.