Monday, October 20, 2014

App smashing

So, I was amazed to learn that other day that this thing that I do with apps actually has a name.  I'm always thinking of and experimenting with how different apps can be used within each other.  The term is app smashing!  How cool is that?  App Smashing!  The basic concept is that you take an app, create a product in that app and then use it within another application.  I first started doing this when I would save power point slides as jpeg images in order to import them into movie maker or animoto.  Of course, I have found much more creative ways to app smash as I have moved along in my ability to integrate technology.

Here is a great example that anyone can use to start with app smashing. Have the students create a pic collage with their picture in the middle.  Upload that picture into chatterpix and the students can then make themselves talk within the pic collage. Check out the link here for more information.

This link also gives some great app smashing ideas!

I hope you enjoy and are ready for some great app smashing in the library this year!

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