Monday, October 12, 2015

Creating and Building in the Library

This year is off to a great start. Our kids are loving the library, especially the opportunity to build, create and use their imagination. We have embraced a Maker Space mentality this year and are trying to give the kids multiple opportunities to problem solve and create in the library. Our Kindergarten classes have enjoyed using all of the hands on activities that are in the library this year including Legos and other types of blocks. The students have really enjoyed sharing ideas about what they have built. Some of their stories amaze me, they add so much detail!

We have also started implementing Maker Mondays in the library.  Every Monday afternoon is set aside for Science related Maker Lessons.  Each of them have been challenged based.  The lesson is introduced as a Challenge and then the kids have to use knowledge of what they are learning in Science in order to solve the challenge and to reflect on what they did during the challenge.  

Can you Blow up a Balloon with Pop Rocks? 

This lesson was completed with 4th and 5th grade.  We discussed the states of matter and what would need to happen to cause a balloon connected to a bottle of soda to inflate.  Students made some great hypotheses and then had to reflect on why they hypothesized incorrectly or correctly.  They had a great time reviewing the states of matter and it was also great fun to use pop rocks and soda.   

Can you Create a Boat that Floats? 

With second and third grade classes, we explored the idea of sinking and floating as well as what makes some items sink while others float.  Students were then given materials including popsicle sticks, a paper bag, paper plate and tape and asked to build a boat that would float.  They worked diligently and some of their creations floated while other sunk.  

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